1. Can I modify my subscription?

Yes! You may edit your subscription at any time. Certain changes may result in delays in accessing water at our purification stations. If there is a problem, please contact our support team at [email protected].

2. Can I share my subscription with others?

No. Your subscription is unique to you and the mobile phone number you provided on the account. Your mobile phone IS REQUIRED in order to access the water station and manage how non-profits are supported.

3. Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, although we would hate to see you go! Any cancelations will be processed at the end of the 30-day billing cycle. No refunds will be issued.

4. How can I find a Splash Giving water purification station?

Currently, we have 1 location but plan to expand to several more stations in the area. You will be able to keep track of our locations on our website at


1. What is reverse osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis is one of the best ways to filter water and remove 99.9% of contaminants such as fluoride, chlorine, bacteria, iron, dissolved chemicals, heavy metals or sediment. This is done by pushing water, under pressure, through a semi-permeable membrane.

2. What type of water is available?

Our purification process provides access to reverse osmosis, alkaline and/or chilled reverse osmosis water.

3. What is the pH of the alkaline water.

Our alkaline water is optimized for a pH range of 7.5 to 8.5, which is preferred by most that enjoy alkaline water.


1. Where do I select a non-profit to support?

We provide a list of non-profits to chose from, or allow you to select one yourself if yours in not an option. Our intentions are to support local non-profits that help build stronger communities.

2. Can I get a tax credit for being a subscriber?

No. Splash Giving is pleased to donate to a local cause that is meaningful to you.

3. Can I change my choice in non-profits that you donate to?

Yes. Due to the administrative effort involved, your change may not take place immediately.

4. How can I be sure that Splash Giving donated to my cause?

We would be glad to confirm our donations with you, or provide a contact at the non-profit for you to reach out to directly.

5. How are funds donated to non-profits?

We distribute funds on a monthly or quarterly basis, based on the amount of funds that are directed to each non-profit.

6. How can I help my favorite non-profit learn more about participating?

We would be happy to discuss how your favorite non-profit can start receiving recurring revenue. Simply email us at [email protected] to learn more!